Luke just wants to be free to devote himself to Jesus
With a huge smile, Rosemary serves refugee and migrant women
Country church excited to welcome refugees from Iran
Temora, a country town in the sheep-wheat belt on the road between Sydney and Adelaide,…
Church service stops after 96 days as refugee family offered asylum
A church service that has run continuously for nearly 100 days in The Hague has…
Syrian Christians fear invasion, urge Trump to leave US troops in
“Now is the time for Christian, Western countries, and for Christian churches and believers worldwide,…
60 days and counting for Dutch church service running to protect refugee family
The oldest daughter of an Armenian refugee family hiding in a church in The Netherlands…
Dutch church holds continuous services to protect refugee family
A church service in The Netherlands has been going on for more than 700 hours,…
ACL says Asia Bibi could come here
Australia could offer refuge if Canada does not go first
He managed an offshore processing centre and says it's time to get kids off Nauru
Luke Richmond has never shared his experiences as a manager for offshore processing on Manus Island, until now.
Changing the world – one tin at a time
Aussie churches join new campaign to help refugees
Mother might be forced to leave her baby in Australia
Catholic leaders urge Dutton to let asylum seeker stay