How to watch a Christian film
Greg Clarke on the miracle in the U2 bloodstream
The best way to stay awake for the movie
Staying awake in films and television shows is a problem. Personally I find the combination…
Movie Review: 36,000 feet under the sea
Perhaps what makes James Cameron’s latest (ad)venture, Deepsea Challenge 3D, so compelling and so, well,…
The Last Supper down a Melbourne laneway
When and where do you feel closest to the Kingdom of God? In church, gathered…
Mummy bloggers on the rise
Imagine attending a dinner party where the conversation is a lively dance. One minute, you’re…
Perils of the box-set bingefest
It’s been a long day and you’re finally able to settle down on the couch…
Easter resources round-up
Our media picks for Easter… True and Better A good-looking animated video which shows how…
Comedy so clean it sparkles
The Melbourne Comedy Festival: that time of year funny-makers from around the world descend on…
Why you should go see Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’
As Darren Aronofsky’s Noah is released around the world this week, Christians are going to…
TV shows a sadder reality
Australia’s television networks have opened the ratings season with a fusillade of big-budget Reality TV…