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Notes from Episode 6: What *really* happens after we die? 

In For Argument’s Sake, Megan and Michael delve into the depths of confusion about what happens after death. They note that most Christians -well, most people actually – are pretty fuzzy on this topic. It was politicians answering Greg Sheridan’s questions on what happens when we die, for his book God is Good For You, that prompted Megan and Michael to explore this more.

Both agreed that our culture continues to have a “cartoon-like” understanding of heaven and hell, and in this discussion they try to uncover what we do know from the Bible about the afterlife, and what remains a mystery.

Then, in the Secret life of us Megan and Michael escape from the theoretical and delve into their personal experiences with death and grief.

“This is where the rubber hits the road in living the Christian life, with these experiences of grief,” says Michael.

In this segment, Megan shares about her miscarriage on Good Friday and experiences of suffering through depression. You can listen to her sermon on depression here. She wrote a poem about her miscarriage:


Michael has also written on grief for Eternity. 

The two grapple with the “sadness” and “badness” of death, and examine what a good response to death and suffering might look like.

Continuing the afterlife theme, on Marg and Dave our dynamic duo check out the super popular Netflix series The Good Place. Warning: spoilers!

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Find out more about the hosts of With All Due Respect:

Rev Dr Michael Jensen, rector at St Mark’s Anglican Darling Point, author, public commentator.

Rev Megan Powell du Toit, ordained Baptist minister, Publishing Manager of the Australian College of Theology, editor of the journal Colloquium.

We got the idea of our two-header theology and culture podcast from this show: The Movie Show/At the Movies.

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