Soldiers in the Army are the latest to receive a new, waterproof New Testament created by Bible Society Australia. There is already one for the Air Force, and there will be one for the Navy released later this year.
Principal Chaplain Darren Jaensch said the redesigned Bible is a compact sized version of the New Testament and Psalms allowing it to be easily carried by soldiers.
“It contains prayers, helpful information, small articles and contact information for chaplains. It is a more durable design and is completely waterproof. The Army has a long standing relationship with the Bible Society and we are very grateful to have them donate redesigned Bibles to our soldiers,” Principal Chaplain Jaensch said.
“The Bible has continually proven to be a valuable source of inspiration, guidance and solace for those seeking to lead ethical lives in the service of others.” -Principal Chaplain Darren Jaensch
“We are always open to initiatives for the provision of similar resources for the edification of members from other faith groups, to complement the longstanding, generous initiative of the Bible Society.”
Principal Chaplain Jaensch said the Bible provides an ethical foundation and framework for living the Army values of courage, initiative, respect and teamwork.
“The Bible has continually proven to be a valuable source of inspiration, guidance and solace for those seeking to lead ethical lives in the service of others.”

CEO of the Bible Society Dr Greg Clarke with Director General Chaplaincy – Army BRIG Darren Jaensch (centre) and Chief of Army LTGEN Angus Campbell, with the new-look camouflage Army Bible. Department of Defence
Bibles are offered to every soldier when they enter the Army. They are placed in Military chapels for use in services and are used by Chaplains and soldiers on field exercises as well as on deployments. The Bible will be available at all training establishments and Defence Chapels throughout Australia.
CEO of the Bible Society Dr Greg Clarke said donating these Bibles was important for The Bible Society.
“We value the long partnership that exists between The Bible Society and the Australian Defence Force, and this latest Bible is an important gift to the men and women of the Australian Army,” said Clarke.

The new-look camouflage Australian Army Bible is waterproof. Department of Defence
At the launch of the Air Force New Testament in October last year, Air Commodore Kevin Russell, the director-general of Chaplaincy Air Force said it matched the Air Force’s new general purpose uniform, and has been created for use in any situation. The Army version is the second of the three versions to be launched. All versions include the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.
“To have a New Testament that matches [the new uniform], that fits in pockets and is waterproof, makes it very durable and we can take it anywhere,” Air Commodore Russell told guests at the launch event in Canberra.
“The main point of having this [Bible] is that it gives access to the scriptures to our people, and they can take it.”
Air Commodore Russell said the duty of an Air Force chaplain to share the word of God was a “great and heavy privilege.”
Bible Society Australia’s CEO Dr Greg Clarke said it was a “delight” to provide Bibles to Defence Force personnel.
“We are thrilled that people will be able to take this Bible with them wherever they go.” – Greg Clarke
“We are thrilled that people will be able to take this Bible with them wherever they go, whatever circumstances they’re in, whatever challenges they face – some of those challenges are ones I can’t even imagine.”
A version of the waterproof Bible for the Navy is also in progress.
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