Top Blogs this week


Prospertity? – Peter Ould

It doesn’t take long to see the serious message behind the cutesy illustrations here. What’s the shape of the Christian life? Look at the disciples‘ lives.

That Miley Cyrus performance and American Christian blogs
Reactions to Miley Cyrus at the VMA awards, ranging from sorrow to apology to the reminder that Jesus loves Miley.

Martin Luther King writes imaginary letter from Apostle Paul to Christians in 1956
What would Paul write to the church? MLK had a go in 1956: ” It seems to me that your moral progress lags behind your scientific progress. Your poet Thoreau used to talk about “improved means to an unimproved end.” How often this is true. You have allowed the material means by which you live to outdistance the spiritual ends for which you live. You have allowed your mentality to outrun your morality. You have allowed your civilization to outdistance your culture. ” Read the rest here.

Church-city partnership – Redeemer City to City
Portland’s gay mayor speaks about overcoming the reputation of the Portland evangelical community to partner with them.
We featured this story of the church in Portland blessings its city without prosletysing, and the impact it’s made. In the video below, hear from the Mayor and church representative themselves.


Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan says God is the next big thing in rock’n’roll – CNN
“I think Jesus would want better bands… stop copying U2.” See the full video below.